Transmission Care in Charlotte, North Carolina
December 25, 2022
Do you have any plans around Charlotte, North Carolina, for the weekend? Maybe you and some friends are taking the boat up to the lake. Maybe you'll be having a lot of fun water skiing and doing a little fishing.You got the boat all ready. It's all gassed up. You packed lots of snacks and the co... More

Sniffing Out a Problem
December 18, 2022
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More

Automotive Detective Work in Charlotte
December 11, 2022
There's a reason we use the word diagnose when we talk about fixing cars in Charlotte. Figuring out what's wrong with your vehicle has a lot of similarities to figuring out what's wrong with someone who is ill. Vehicles are a mass of complex systems that can produce a variety of symptoms when so... More

Bad Vibes
December 4, 2022
Your vehicle has a way of letting you know when something's wrong. Consider a vibrating steering wheel. It certainly didn't do that when it was new, so that shake is trying to tell you something. There are a few things that can cause your steering wheel to vibrate as you drive down the road. One... More